Florence Bernardin

Asia Cosme Lab

Founder and manager of Asia Cosme Lab, Florence Bernardin is totally trilingual and an adept of kawaii philosophy. Having trained in the Japanese school of thought for 15 years at Kao Corporation, she is fascinated by Japan. Her insatiable curiosity enables her to source and assess products like no one else. Her on-site purchases, eye on the market, knowledge of the latest hip places and grasp of the local culture give her a truly original, operational take on the cosmetics world.

Recognized by the profession as an Asian beauty industry expert, she has also worked with many magazines (Beyond Beauty Mag, Vogue, among others) and gives talks at trade shows and professional summits (Cosmeeting, Luxe Pack, Beauté-packaging, etc). Her customers are among the largest international groups in the cosmetics sector.

  • Heading Eastward: Unleashing fragrance opportunities in Asia